Tree house, free house, by the sea house
“This is a painting that was painted with a case of wanderlust. It is what I dream about, a place to call home that is surrounded by nature, simple living, with fun waves to play on all day long. This painting features a treehouse built in a forest with a hammock to rest in and a clothes line in the palm trees to dry your clothes in the sunshine. Not much is needed when living in paradise, a few surfboards and a place to rest after long days of adventuring. This painting is a dream place, but I get inspiration from places I have traveled to like Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. I find inspiration from where I live in Florida as well. Sometimes it isn’t as easy to find, but you have to continue to find your paradise and make paradise with whatever you have around you. I like to paint with acrylic paint and on recycled or scrap materials, often wood. I like the natural look that it gives when painting on wood. I enjoy using bright colors and often mix in bright colors reflecting on the sea inspired by the magic hours of sunrises and sunsets. My art is meant to inspire adventure, a love for nature and the sea and the beauty that surrounds it. I have a big love for the 60s and the days of flower power, love and peace. This is often carried into my paintings and also my way of life.” – Rachel DeJohn

Follow Rachel @surfybirdy